Welcome to Year3   


Now we have all settled in and organised routines, we thought it would be useful for you to have some information about Year 3!



Your child can bring a small, healthy snack to eat at tuck time if they wish. Your child should only bring in one item of food, as they only have five minutes in which to eat their tuck! As you know, now your child is in Year 3, they are able to purchase hot tuck from the school kitchens. They should bring approximately 50p for hot tuck.  


Grab bags

Your child may have also mentioned that they are now able to order a grab bag at lunch time instead of having a hot meal. Grab bags cost the same as a hot meal. Children can choose from a range of different sandwiches and bread types. If your child would like a grab bag, they should bring their money in one of the dinner money envelopes as normal. They should then fill in one of the grab bag slips (see the end of this letter), which they put in their class’s dinner money box. Grab bag slips are kept in the Yr 3 classrooms.


We have outdoor and indoor PE activities all year and, as it starts to get colder, it is useful for your child to have a simple tracksuit to wear instead of their shorts and T shirts. They will also need trainers or pumps for outside work. For indoor PE sessions your child will still need to wear their house colour T shirt and black shorts. It is usually easier for the children to leave PE kits in school through the week and then take them home for a wash at weekends and in the holidays. Please make sure your child’s PE kit is labelled!

If your child wears tights to school, please ensure they have a pair of socks in their kit as they are not allowed to do PE wearing tights!

Also if your child wears earrings, please make sure they are able to take them out by themselves. No child is allowed to take part in PE wearing earrings.


3G have PE on Thursday and swimming on Monday.

3A have PE on Thursday and swimming on Monday.



In Year 3, we try to encourage the children to only go to the toilet at break times and lunch times. Obviously, if your child cannot wait or if they have a medical reason that requires them to use the toilet more frequently, we will allow them to go! However, we would appreciate your support in encouraging your child to go to the toilet at the correct time, so that they do not miss valuable lesson time.



Homework gives children the opportunity to practise skills they have been working on at school, and opportunities to extend their learning through research etc. Your child will have 1 piece of English homework (not including spellings or reading) each week. All homework is set on a Thursday and should be returned by the following Thursday. Children who return their homework on time will be rewarded with three housepoints.


Rather than setting a written piece of Numeracy homework, your child will be given a pack of Numeracy games. Each week you and your child will need to choose a game from the pack to play. After playing the game, there is a short diary sheet to fill in to confirm that you have played one of the games. Your child will then return this to school for us to check on Year 3’s Homework Day – Thursday. After the Christmas holidays, the children will be given written Numeracy homework instead.


We realise that we expect a lot from your children and we realise that many children have so many after school activities that they find fitting in their homework quite a challenge! We really do appreciate your support in ensuring their homework tasks are completed on time. However, if your child has any problems completing their homework in the week given, please let us know.  



In Year 3, the children will continue with their phonics sessions. Your child will be set their weekly spellings within their phonic set and spellings will take place on a Wednesday.


Staff in Year 3

The teachers in Year 3 are Mrs Glover and Miss Adams. Mrs Yeomans and Miss Williams also teach in Year 3. Mrs White and Mrs Allsopp work in Year 3 as Teaching Assistants and Mrs Stevens also takes one of our Phonic groups.


End of the day routine

At the end of the day, KS2 children are given the option to leave via the KS2 Playground (Heath Farm Road side) or by the KS1 Playground (Broadway side). At least one member of the Year 3 team will be on the both playgrounds at the end of the day, should you wish to speak to us.   Please ensure your child knows which side of school you will be collecting them from, or if they need to go to 326 Club instead.


Water Bottles

In Year 3 we encourage children to bring in water bottles to drink during lessons. Your child should bring a labelled bottle with a sports cap. They should also only have water in their bottle – no squash or juice please!



We will try to hear your child read as regularly as possible at school, but it would be really helpful if you were also able to hear your child read at home on a regular basis.  Simple mental maths practice is also really useful.



Each half-term you will receive a copy of the Year 3 newsletter. This will help to keep you informed of what has been going on in school, and also let you know what will be coming up in future weeks!


With thanks,

Mrs Glover and Miss Adams.
Year 3